Annual Club Membership – Micro Nippers – Renewal


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Micro Nipper Membership is an annual club membership available to persons aged 5 to 7 years as of 1st October. Micro Nippers and their Parents/Guardians can enjoy all the amenities of the clubhouse and the Micro Nipper can participate in training if all the requirements are met.

To join Clifton Surf Lifesaving Club, you need to attend an open day or a trial day and purchase your membership in our online shop. The summer season runs from September until April and fees are due by the end of October every year.

Fees for this membership include the beach program and use of the clubhouse facilities for Micro Nippers and their Parents/Guardians.

Micro Nippers introduces children to surf and still water lifesaving. It is a fun outdoors activity that grows a child’s confidence, teaches valuable life skills and knowledge about the aquatic/marine environment.




Micro Nippers from 9am–10:15am (arrive by 8:45am)



For weekly and last-minute communications please make sure you are on the following 2 WhatsApp groups and part of the Nippers WhatsApp Community:

1-    CLSC Nipper Parents (this is the main comms group) run by the Nipper Officer as a broadcast only group.

2-    Your “Age Group” WhatsApp group that will be managed by the Head Coach



Micro Nipper’s do not participate in competitions, but a Micro Nipper Fun Day is held annually where the Micro Nippers join in fun competition-style activities with the Micro Nippers from other clubs.


Clothing and Kit:

Wearing the Clifton colours of black, white and yellow is a long tradition. Micro Nippers are encouraged to purchase kit (swimmers, rash vest, jammers, swim caps, etc) to train in. There are several other items of clothing (sun caps, hoodies, towels) also available to purchase at our online shop.