In so applying and in consideration of my application for membership being accepted, I acknowledge and agree that:
- “CSLC” for the purposes of this declaration means and includes the Clifton Surf Lifesaving Club and its respective officers, members and/or agents.
- If accepted I will be a member of CSLC and be bound under the Constitution, Policies, Procedures and Codes of Conduct of CSLC and its regulatory bodies at District, Provincial and National level.
- WARNING: Lifesaving can be inherently dangerous. Serious accidents can and often do happen, which may result in me being injured and/or killed. I have voluntarily read & understood this WARNING and accept & assume the inherent risks in lifesaving.
- Exclusion of Liability: Except where provided or required by law & such cannot be excluded, I agree that it is a term of my membership (if accepted) that CSLC be absolved from all liability however arising from injury and/or damage however caused (whether fatal and/or otherwise) arising out of my membership and/or participation in and any activity directly or indirectly associated with my membership of CSLC.
- Fitness to participate: I declare that I am & must continue to be medically, mentally and physically fit & able to participate in any lifesaving activity. I am not & must not be a danger to myself or to the health & safety of others. I will immediately notify CSLC in writing of any change to my fitness & ability to participate. I understand & accept CSLC will continue to rely upon this declaration as evidence of my fitness & ability.
- I have provided the information required overleaf and signed this form. I warrant that all the information provided is true and correct.
- I hereby apply for membership of the above club & agree to abide by all the Rules and the Constitution. I specifically agree that any activities associated with the above club, CSLC, undertaken by me, will be at my own risk. I enclose my annual subscription in advance, in anticipation of my acceptance as a member.
- Personal Details: All personal information is kept confidential & is only shared with Lifesaving South Africa & Lifesaving Western Cape for registration with these regulatory bodies for record keeping of Awards & Competition. The Club’s official communication is via email for all Membership types. Your email will be added to our bulk email system. WhatsApp Groups are additional forms of communication. Please Note: We post photographs on our Social Media of Training, Events and Competitions.
- As part of my application, I have completed the LSA Registration and Indemnity form.
- I have read, understood; acknowledge and agree to the above declaration including its warning, exclusion of liability. I acknowledge that if my application for membership is successful, I will be entitled to all benefits, advantages, privileges & services + fees of CSLC membership afforded to the category I have applied for.